Ferocious new multiplayer action, bringing players the thrill of pitting old technology against the looming threat of firearms. Deeply researched historical component encompassing every aspect of the game's assets. Multiple endings to sustain player's interest and increase replayability. Players will have the opportunity to loan money, keep money on deposit, and arrange caravans. New economic system, which includes village / town development, a banking system, & new trade options. More political intrigue with colorful factions.

Fully customizable armies players can outfit their soldiers with each piece of weaponry & armor. A new century of warfare that brings pistols, muskets, grenades, and other advanced weaponry to the battlefield. A storyline based on the cult novel from Nobel-prize winner author Henry Sienkiewicz.

Come experience great new additions and Mount & Blade's award winning gameplay in an all new setting! Join the fight for freedom, domination, or riches as 5 battling nations vye for control over their destinies.

There were also a lot of small bugs and imbalances and other things I am sure I am missing.Situs resmiWith Fire & Sword is a brand new stand-alone expansion pack experience set in the war-torn lands of 17th Century Eastern Europe. The biggest things I remember from when I played all that time ago (whether I got there or read about it) is that some of the cultural abilities did nothing, a lot of the abilities in a given skill tree were not yet enabled, horse archers, late game was non existent because one faction would ultimately snowball and conquer the world, there was no permadeath yet, and horse archers. Recently though I have been really wanting to start up the game again. While I enjoyed my time with it initially, I never really played too far into it and ultimately decided it would be best to wait a while for it to be further developed (it was quite rough in the earlier days). I haven't played the game in over a year.